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Pops 100: Course Syllabus

Updated: Nov 13, 2019

Editor's note: This is a sample syllabus for the basic public speaking course (COMM 100 or your university's equivalent). You will need to fill in information regarding your class, contact information, and other institution requirements.


Introduction to Pubic Speaking

Communication 100

3 Credit Hours



Phone Number:


Office Hours:

Class Meeting Times:

Class Location:

Course Description:

Students’ performance in this course is improved by their active participation. Participation means regular attendance, readings in the text, reviewing and presenting their speeches. Students will be provided informational material on public speaking, communication skills and applications necessary for becoming competent speakers, listeners, and communicators.

This is primarily a performance course providing you with practical training in speech preparation and delivery. Students will utilize the information in the text to help prepare and deliver the required speeches. Since this is an oral communication (speaking) course, most of the grade will be based on assignments linked to the presented speeches.

This course also includes introductory speech communication theory and concepts. It meets the General Education requirements.

Required Materials:

  1. Pops Classroom ( collaborative toolset for preparing, presenting, and reviewing speeches. Available for purchase during sign up or from the campus bookstore. I’ll be emailing you instructions on how to join our class. All assignments will be turned in for grading via Pops Classroom. Need help using Pops Classroom? Their team responds in under 30 minutes at

  2. Pops OpenText ( free open resource textbook used for readings, information and quizzes.

  3. A video recording device (a cell phone is fine).

  4. A computer or tablet to access Pops Classroom and Pops OpenText

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Students will be able to speak publicly, in both formal and informal contexts.

  2. Students will demonstrate critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

  3. Students will evaluate, synthesize and integrate materials from diverse sources.

  4. Students will analyze and critique the oral communication of oneself and others.

  5. Students will listen effectively.

These skills will be assessed through graded presentations; written outlines; quizzes/tests; impromptu speeches and other in-class activities; self, peer, and outside speaking reviews; and active participation in class.

Class Conduct:

  • Be respectful of others.

  • Limit use of electronic devices to when instructed.

  • Please no food or drink in the class (except water).

University Policies & Procedures:

[Please insert the required policies and procedures from your school here.]


Assignments in this class include short activities/exercises, four formal speeches, quizzes/tests, and class participation. Assignments (unless otherwise noted) will be turned in on Pops Classroom.

Each formal speech includes several sub-assignments:

  • Speech Prep: This is your planning, full sentence outline, and speaking notes.

  • Visual Aids (only required for the last two speeches): These can be made using any medium, digital visual aids will be curated in Pops Classroom for easier presenting.

  • Practice Session: You will record yourself practicing your speech and upload to Advisor in Pops Classroom. Be sure to review the suggestions Advisor gives you and incorporate them into your actual presentation.

  • Video Recording: This is a recording of your in-class presentation.

  • Self Review: This is a brief questionnaire of how you think you presented.

  • Peer Review: This is a brief questionnaire of how you think a peer presented.

  • Instructor Evaluation: This is the actual presentation. You will receive my evaluation after you have submitted your self review.

Class Activities & Exercises (100 points total):

Student Information Activity (10 points)

You will write a brief introduction paragraph about yourself. Be sure to include your major, year in college, previous public speaking experiences, and what goals you have for this course. You will submit this assignment in Pops Classroom. Additionally, please upload a profile picture in your Pops Classroom settings.

Outside Speaker Critique (50 points)

At any point during the semester you will need to view a credible live speaker (other than those in our class) in person (not online). This speaker can be at a religious service, political address, motivational talk, etc. You will then write a formal paper (approximately 500 words) evaluating their speaking style. Please include what you think they did well, what they did not do well, and what you think you would do differently if you were them.

Impromptu Speeches (40 points total)

These are unannounced, spur of the moment speeches. These speeches are short, “elevator” style speeches. You will be assessed on participation, topic selection, and professionalism. You are encouraged to record your impromptu speeches, however submission of a recording is not required.

Formal Speeches (650 points total):

Speech 1 – Introductory (105 points total)

In this speech, you will deliver a 3 to 5 minute presentation introducing yourself to the class. Have fun and be creative! Use humor and presentational aids to convey who you are. You will be assessed on the structure, delivery, and adherence to the time limit. This speech requires the submission of Speech Prep, Video Recording, Self Review, and Peer Review. If you choose to use a digital visual aid, you may submit those as well.

  • Speech Prep Outline 20 points

  • Speech Prep Speaking Notes 5 points

  • Practice Session 5 points

  • Video Recording 5 points

  • Self Review 10 points

  • Peer Review 10 points

  • Instructor Evaluation 50 points

Speech 2 – Informative (140 points total)

In this speech, your goal is to define, explain, illustrate, or demonstrate a subject/topic (this could be a person, a process, an event, an issue, an object, or a concept) that is of interest to the class. It must be easy to follow, prepared, extemporaneously delivered. This speech should be between 4 to 6 minutes in length. You will be assessed on structure, delivery, and adherence to the time limit. This speech requires the submission of Speech Prep, Video Recording, Self Review, and Peer Review. If you choose to use a digital visual aid, you may submit those as well.

  • Speech Prep Outline 25 points

  • Speech Prep Speaking Notes 10 points

  • Practice Session 5 points

  • Video Recording 5 points

  • Self Review 10 points

  • Peer Review 10 points

  • Instructor Evaluation 75 points

Speech 3 – Persuasive Claim of Policy (190 points total)

In this speech, you will develop a persuasive presentation based on a topic that addresses a claim of fact or value. You will need to provide your audience with evidence to support your claim that the problem exists, or something needs to be recognized or addressed. The speech needs to be well organized and provide substantial arguments, evidence, logic, and reasoning (ethos, pathos, and logos) for your claim. It needs to be audience focused and create an opportunity to begin the persuasive process with your listeners. This speech should be between 5 to 7 minutes in length. You will be assessed on structure, delivery, topic appropriateness, and adherence to the time limit. This speech requires the submission of Speech Prep, Visual Aids, Video Recording, Self Review, and Peer Review.

  • Speech Prep Outline 25 points

  • Speech Prep Speaking Notes 10 points

  • Visual Aids 25 points

  • Practice Session 5 points

  • Video Recording 5 points

  • Self Review 10 points

  • Peer Review 10 points

  • Instructor Evaluation 100 points

Speech 4 – Persuasive (215 points total)

In this speech, you will persuade the audience to take a position on a topic. You will provide a mental or physical call to action/solution by presenting a persuasive speech based on a claim of policy. You will develop a policy on a two-sided topic, with the goal of changing the attitudes, values, and actions of your audience. This speech should be between 6 to 8 minutes in length. You will be assessed on structure, delivery, topic appropriateness, and adherence to the time limit. This speech requires the submission of Speech Prep, Visual Aids, Video Recording, Self Review, and Peer Review.

  • Speech Prep Outline 25 points

  • Speech Prep Speaking Notes 10 points

  • Visual Aids 25 points

  • Practice Session 5 points

  • Video Recording 5 points

  • Self Review 10 points

  • Peer Review 10 points

  • Instructor Evaluation 125 points

Quizzes & Tests (200 points total):

Quizzes (100 points total)

Quizzes are assessed over chapter text readings.

  • Quiz 1 (Chapters 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, & 1.6) 25 points

  • Quiz 2 (Chapters 1.7, 2.1, 2.2, & 2.4) 25 points

  • Quiz 3 (Chapters 3.1, 3.2, & 3.3) 25 points

  • Quiz 4 (Chapters 2.3, 4.1, 4.2, & 4.3) 25 points

Tests (100 points total)

Tests are assessed over both readings and content covered in class.

  • Test 1 (midterm) 50 points

  • Test 2 (final) 50 points

Class Participation (50 points total):

Discussion Participation (30 points)

This includes in-class discussion and any online discussion in Pops Classroom.

Professionalism (20 points)

This includes class attendance, respect given to peers, promptness on speech days, adherence to class rules and university policies.

Grading Scheme

Class Activities & Exercises 100 points

Formal Speeches 650 points

Quizzes & Tests 200 points

Class Participation 50 points

TOTAL 1000 points

Total Points / Grade

970 & above / A+

930 to 969 / A

900 to 929 / A-

870 to 899 / B+

830 to 869 / B

800 to 829 / B-

770 to 799 / C+

730 to 769 / C

700 to 729 / C-

670 to 699 / D+

630 to 669 / D

600 to 629 / D-

599 & below / F

If you have questions or concerns regarding this syllabus, please contact me via email.

Please see the attached course schedule for due dates and other important reminders. The schedule is subject to change at my discretion.


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