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Surprise Peer Feedback

This activity was submitted by Karen Friesen from Lone Star College - Montgomery.

Learning Outcome(s):

(1) Students will understand how anxiety impacts speaking and how to overcome it.

(2) Students will participate in group activities.

(3) Students will be able to practice their speeches and learn tips for delivery.

(4) Students will be able to provide feedback to their peers and accept criticism from others.

Materials Needed: Timers (student cell phones work well), pencil, and paper

Estimated Class Time Needed: One class period for presentations. 5-6 weeks of student preparation.

Instructions: Prior to the first speech, tell all students to come prepared to present on the first day of speeches; not telling students which day they will be presenting. When the first speech day arrives, instead of starting speeches, divide students into groups of four or five. Have each student take turns presenting to their group instead of the entire class. Students are allowed to use their speaking notes as if it were a formal speech. Each group times each presentation then gives both verbal and written feedback to each other.

Note: Only do this exercise on the first day of the first speech as to not ruin the element of surprise.

Critical Thinking:

1) How did you feel when you learned no one would be giving their graded presentations today?

2) What did you learn about yourself and your speech that will need to be fixed before your actual presentation?

3) If you procrastinated your speech planning, what did you learn? Did your group members find your speech successful?

4) What feedback from your peers will you incorporate into your graded presentation? How will you do this?

1 Comment

Patricia Walker
Patricia Walker
Oct 03, 2019

I like how you have students work together. For their first speech, I give them time to practice in the hallways quietly. It helps to calm their days before they have to present. I really like the small group idea. I may incorporate.

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